Last weekend we hosted a clinic to teach people how to use the mobile processing unit. (Basically, it is a horse trailer with killing cones attached to the inside of the doors, an electric feather plucker and other supplies; table, corrals-pens, fryer pot, propane burner etc.)
We belong to a small, but state wide organinzation that helps beginner & small farmers! This is one of the pieces of equipment that can be rented for use! :) In order for others to rent it, they need to be shown how the stuff is used properly..... that is where we come in! We house it, rent it and hold training clinics each year!!
We had maybe 12 people here Saturday morning ...... lots of fun! OK, if you remove yourself from the actual activity, and focus on meeting new people who have a common goal which is: raise our own food! It is fun to hear the stories, compare notes and trade ideas!!
After we were all done and cleaned up, one of the men was able to teach us how to process two of our rabbits. I know.... DON'T get all worked up, it was quick & easy! I was able to do most of it!!
For our first dish, I used a friend's recipe for chicken pie and substituted rabbit for chicken! I have to say.... the meat is very mild, very tender and very good! There is a difference, but not a bad difference. Will we do this again? Well, voting from all 6 eaters in our family say YES!
FYI: none of the rabbits that you have seen on this blog were 'processed'. :) Thus far, our policy is that if they have names.... they stay on the farm!