Spring time and SOOO many decisions yet to make......
We are planning on adding a few apple trees this year.... the varieties have yet to be determined, but most likely gala & macoun will make the final list... along with a cortland! I think that the trees will all be dwarfs which means we will have fruit sooner and the trees will not reach the sky! Blueberry bushes are on the list to add too!! :) I think we have 10-12 bushes planted, but desire to add another 10-12 this year! Who doesn't LOVE blueberries!! I also just might approach the idea of adding some asparagas crowns too! Asparagas is sooo easy to grow and is absoutely delicious!
How is your spring season going? Are you planting flowers yet? Beginning or finishing your spring cleaning? Washing windows? Ordering seeds for the garden? Maybe ordering baby chicks? Raking? Cleaning out the storage unit/garage?? (yuk!) I have a list a mile long of 'to-do's' for springtime this year! I think the kids are looking forward to finishing school and getting back to a fulltime summer work schedule!! (Do you think they are trying to escape the 'to-do' list!!) :)
I have to admit, I am looking forward to the end of the school year too, but my list never gets accomplished and September arrives so fast that I scratch my head and wonder if summer really happened at all! My plan this year is to photocopy May, June, July & August calander pages and PLAN out what needs to be done accordingly.... maybe that will help me accomplish my goals! (sigh... one can only hope!)
AHHHHH, a definate positive sign of spring in 'my world' Pete and Aaron put up my yard swing last weekend!! (A happy Momma is a happy home!) I love to sip a cold drink and read a book or chat with a friend on my swing!! For a while I called it my 'therapy seat'... :) I tell you, it works!! WISHING YOU A HAPPY SPRING, LOVE, FLOWERS, BLESSINGS & SONG BIRDS SINGING NEAR YOUR WINDOWS!