We had another awesome Sunday service at Grace Capital yesterday..... the sermon topic was being content and living with less so others could live with some. Sounds simple enough right... well, make it practical.... read Luke 3, especially focusing on verse 10 & 11.
So the people asked him, saying, 'what shall we do then?' He answered and said to them, "He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise." Pastor Peter Bonanno's talk can be heard here
http://www.gccnh.com/ (click on Contenders pt. 3 8/31/08) How many of us have more then 1 pair of shoes? At the end of the service, the challange was to leave our shoes as a symbol of our willingness to be content. The result.... over 800 pairs of shoes were left to be donated to "Soles 4 Souls".
The service was AMAZING, THOUGHT PROVOKING, LIFE CHALLANGING... and I dare you to listen! :) It's all about being generous and thinking of others instead of ourselves!
Here's another thought provoker; I'd never thought about this before but, God told Moses to take off his shoes because the ground he was standing on was holy, it isn't recorded that he put his shoes back on. We do know that he came down the mountain with his staff... a staff which symbolized his readiness to serve his people, but we don't know if he had his shoes.
PS The church foyer will be open till Wednesday night for those who still want to donate shoes!