
May 9, 2020

HOME, HOME ON THE RANGE.... I mean "Homestead"

So much has happened in so little time....

1) We got the chickens...  37 (2 extras) the meat birds arrived April 9th... so cute and fluffy! We had a really chilly spring, which is probably why we generally choose to do mean birds in late summer... they seem to have an easier start and then 8 weeks later it is only end of September or early October when they go to freezer camp!

2) We got our hens....  funny story! We got 7 little fluff balls! They shared the brooder with the meat bird chicks with a divider between them! It was amazing what 2 weeks meant in the difference in body size! I REALLY wanted to get barred rock hens, but it wasn't meant to be, so we got 3 golden wyandottes, 1 silver wyandotte and 3 Americanas (blue eggs)! A few days later I was headed to town and the thought came to me... "check out Tractor Supply, they MAY have some barred rocks!" SOOO, I did... I went to town for Chinese Food and came home with that PLUS 3 little rocks!

3) We had to build a chicken house... and help Austin and Abby build theirs too!! AND BOTH needed to be done around the same time!

4) ONE of my sweet rocks turned into a ROOOOSTER! Can you imagine!? LOL It's ok with me, some members of the family aren't as amused as I am!

5) They are all moved in! YAY

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