
July 8, 2015

Shiitake Mushrooms 2015

It's that time of year again! This is our 4th season of growing Shiitake mushrooms... the first year was experimental and we enjoyed them and shared with a few friends! Our second year and third year we grew and sold some in farmer's markets and also put some up for ourselves!

We are taking a slower approach this year to a lot of things....  Pete is soaking logs a few at a time and our harvest is coming in at a pace much easier to keep up with! Phew...

Check out these lovely mushrooms!

 Above is the log yard....  where we keep the logs stacked
similar to Lincoln Logs waiting their turn to be soaked.

Pete is holding a log with mushrooms ready to be harvested!

After the logs are soaked for roughly 12 hours, they are 
stood up and leaned until they grow mushrooms ready to
be picked! Then they are brought in for us to clean, eat, 
sell or prepare for storage!

These are the delicious Shiitake mushrooms!

All cut up and ready to dehydrate! Recommended
temperature is 90* for 2-3 hours and then 125* for 
an additional 4-7 hours. When they are firm and 
not longer spongy they are done!!

I like to store ours in mason jars and then use
my Food Saver with the mason jar attachment 
to seal air tight until ready for use! 

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