
October 25, 2012

It's Only Two Months Away!

Christmas is only two months away!
I need all the help I can get when it
comes to getting organized!
This is the 3rd year that I've made
myself an organizer and it really has
been a tremendous help!!
all your lists, receipts,

recipes, grocery lists,
and calenders ALL TOGETHER!
It's EASY to find in your purse for that
planned or UNPLANNED
trip to the store!
After Last year I knew I needed to add
a copy of November & December calendar
pages to help keep organized!
I decorated the outside of the folded page so
I could tell November's page from December!
personalize and print your own calendar pages!
Before I printed, I added the main events from
our home calendar onto each page. Now, I can
keep track of where I need to be and when I can
plan a shopping trip, craft day or baking day! 
I added lots of writing pages for my
many lists and a few envelopes for
receipts, coupons, recipe cards and
one for miscellaneous!
Check back to  my first year of making these if you want to follow
links back to my original source & measurements!
one sheet of card stock tri-folded,
decorative paper
bell punch
maple leaf & oak leaf punch
snowman & snowflake punch
10-12 pages from a writingtablet (cut down)
a few envelopes
double sided tape
and my imagination

Shared on Simply Lives Thursday!

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