Some times I wonder if angels
live in the form of humans....
Today I was blessed to spend the
day with Gary.
We made cookies....
a four ingredient recipe that
was a lot of fun to make!
(peanut butter,sugar, corn
syrup and cornflakes!)
Gary poured & stirred and
spooned them onto wax paper!
THEN he taste tested the
finished product!!
Gary and I went out for lunch....
one of his favorites, Chinese food!
And the fortune cookie reads....
"A friend asks only for your time not your money"
What a perfect one for Gary!
Gary helped me make a few purchases
for a special little friend
and then we went back home!
On the ride home he sang to me...
"How sweet it is to be loved by you"
talk about a teary eyed moment!
We had fun singing silly songs...
"Wheels on The Bus"
"Down By The Bay" and
a few other ones....
I wish I had taken a picture of him
and me together... or of him playing
with his cool toys! He is one amazing
young man who is blessed with his
family and is a blessing to all
who know him!!
Thanks for a fun day Gary!!
oh Mel, I teared up BIG TIME reading this and looking at the pics, what a blessing you are to both Gary and myself.......I only wish his dad and Becky could see you guys in action and have some conviction on how a relationship blooms.Thank you for loving Gary so much and making his world sooooo much brighter for being in it.......Mine too. Cindy