
June 24, 2011

Today, Friday, June 24th

Outside my window... stands an empty clothesline. Thankfully
the clothes made it inside before the rain started.

I am thinking... about my summer to do list.

I am hearing... the rain gently falling, the birds chirping outside and the hum of the refrigerator.

I am wearing... wool socks, jeans & a warm shirt... it's a chilly morning here in New England. 

I am remembering... how easy life seemed to be when the kids were all little and safely tucked in at an early hour.

I am hoping... and praying for each of the kids (young adults) knowing that they have a Heavenly Father who is watching out for them.

From the garden this week... the veggies and seeds are all planted. Now we need to wait patiently, but we did pick a little rhubarb!

I am pondering... over the verse, "Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better then silver or gold." Proverbs 22:1
Around the house... the house stands quiet today. I wonder what tales would be told if these walls could talk?

One of my favorite things... baby feet. These little feet are only
one day old!

Have a wonderful and blessed day!


  1. This makes me a little homesick for New Hampshire. Love, Me

  2. "Have a wonderful and blessed day."

    Well, after reading your post, I will now! :-)

    P.S. It is unfair to mention that you are wearing wool socks and jeans on a "chilly" New England morning to a wilted West Texan enduring a drought, with no rain to speak of since Easter and highs over 100 every day...
