
May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom!
Thank you for all the love you've poured into my life,
for the example of what it means to be a woman of integrity
and a woman who follows after God! Thank you...
 I love you!

Happy Mother's Day to my mother in law! Thank you
for the precious gift of your son, my husband!
He is a blessing to me, and I know he is your blessing too!
Thank you for the love you share with me and
every one who enters your door way. You have a
special gift of hospitality and generousity!
I love you!

And, to all my friends who are 'moms',
may your Mother's Day be blessed and filled with love.

May you know how your role as a mother has touched the next generation.

May you remember to pray for your 'kids' even if they are now adults
making their own way in the world.

A mom's role changes year by year, but the job stays the
same: 'unconditional love'!

To all the dads who have had to step into the role of being both
Mom & Dad... good job!!
You are very loved & appreciated on this day too!

Happy Mother's Day!!!



  1. Just lovely. (We were blessed in the Mom Department, weren't we?)

  2. Oh Kristy... we sure were & are still!! :)
