I fully understand that the word 'challenge' means....
"A call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, special effort, etc."
"Difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to the one engaged in it." (Definitions taken from Dictionary.com)
As those of you who read my blog know, I have accepted a challenge to can something every month with the Tigress Can-Jam !! The fruit or veggie is given to us at the end of the month for the following month and we have about 3 weeks to complete the challenge! It has been fun! As you may remember January was citrus and February was Carrots.
Here's the new challenge for March: ALLIUMS! Now, I don't know about you, but I didn't even know this word. Thankfully, Ashley, the one who made the choice and author of Small Measures explained it to us; ONIONS, SCALLIONS, CHIVES, LEEKS, SHALLOTS, GARLIC etc. Remember our rules... must be canned using the water bath method! I've already begun my search... :)
Check back mid-March to see what I've come up with! This challenge will be intersting for sure! (I wonder what they will come up with for the rest of the months?!)
mmm delicious. I already have some ideas. although Houston farmers markets are a month or two ahead of other regions, so we're already getting into spring veggies. If I cant find something to do with green onions (only alliums we have right now) I'll have to buy from the store. :P