
April 26, 2009

Playing Catch-Up!

It has been a while since I've posted..... I thought I'd show you what I've been preoccupied with! :) Since my last post, we've added 5 new rabbits to the 'herd'. Yup, that is truly what it is called! The first time I used that word referring to the rabbitry, Pete laughed at me! And, I have to admit, I chuckled too when I first read it being used in reference to rabbits! Generally, we think of the 'herd' of cattle Pete's family has raised forever! Oh well..... this herd will be much easier to deal with! :)

These are the two we brought home Friday morning! Introducing Anna & ??..... actually, we haven't decided for sure on the other name! :) These little beauties are Californian Rabbits...... most noted for the dark ears, nose, tail & feet and white bodies! We also got a Californian buck on Saturday morning (not entirely sure of his name yet) and 2 New Zealand does a few weeks ago!! They have been named Gracie & Clara! I think we have finished buying our stock.... at least for now!! :) We've been busy building cages and deciding how to arrange everyone!

Since it is such nice weather around here (finally), we brought the bucks outside and hung them on the outside of the barn..... they seem quite happy with this arrangement! Above is Max (NZW) and Jackson (Flemish Giant). And below are Silas (NZW) and Sinatra.... our mystery buck!We call him our 'mystery buck' because are aren't too sure what breed he is..... he is a big, beautiful buck with blue eyes!! We have sent his picture to someone who will hopefully be able to tell us what his opinion of breed is! Until then..... 'mystery buck' sounds good! :)

Soooo, that is what I've been up to as of late! I am still driving a 'school bus' (ok, a mini-van) in the AM & PM and trying to get the 'spring clean-0ut' done! I tackled my 'to-do list' this past week while I've been on 'April vacation' and I did manage to cross a few things off! (BUT, I STILL HAVE LOTS MORE TO GET DONE!)

Until next time..... please enjoy a tall glass of iced tea and a good book! Find a hammock, a yard swing or a bench near a brook and treat yourself to a mini-vacation! Ahhhhh, don't you feel better already! :)

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