
December 3, 2008

"The Mom's Song"

If you haven't yet seen this tribute to moms everywhere, please click on this and be prepared to laugh till you are wiping the tears away! :) Patti Harshey has put all the things a mom says in a 24 hour period of time to the song the "William Tell Overture" it is hysterical! Listen carefully, you just may hear some of your own phrases in there somewhere, I know I did!

Click below to watch......
http://blogs. northlandchurch. net/2008/ 08/11/the- mom-song/


  1. Hi!
    This was soooo funny!! A lot of it sure did sound familiar.

  2. I would have been ON MY FEET cheering at the end of this COMMAND performance!

    Absolutely terrific. Thanks for sharing this gem!
