"WELCOME HOME! A warm hug, a cup of tea, the love & laughter of family and friends.... it just doesn't get much better than this!"
August 13, 2008
Find Good EVEN in a Recession! "OR" And You Guys Call ME Pollyanna!! :)
This article is awesome!! I just had to share it after reading it this morning.... You guys think I'm a Pollyanna who sees life through rose-colored glasses!! Well, I think this author tops me.... and I love it! :)
"Finding Good Even in a Recession"
It's pretty hard to find anything good about gasoline prices hovering at an all-time high in the U.S., but I know that my grandmother would find something positive to point out. That's just the way she was. She could always find a rainbow no matter how dark the storm.I thought about her recently when I read about professors Michael Morrisey, Ph.D. of the University of Alabama and David Grabowski, Ph.D. of Harvard Medical School. They studied traffic fatalities from 1985 to 2006 when the price of gas hit $2.50 a gallon. They've found that for every 10 percent increase in gas prices, there's been a 2.3 percent decline in auto-related deaths. Now that gas prices have pierced the $4-a-gallon mark, they expect to see a drop of about 1,000 deaths per month. In those terms, it's pretty difficult to loathe the high cost of gas. Well, maybe not loathe it quite as much. There's also another good thing about rising gas costs. People are shifting where they want to live and shop so they stay closer to work and home. That means that some blighted areas close to inner cities are getting revitalized, all because of the high cost of gas.By staying closer to home, shoppers are helping out the smaller local stores that struggle to survive. That's what is happening in Thomasville, Alabama, a town that was slowly dying and now is seeing a major resurgence. In fact, the once-sleepy town is experiencing traffic jams on its main street from shoppers who can no longer afford the gas to drive many miles away to a big, fancy mall.If it's any further consolation for the poor economy, Americans are racking up debt at a slower pace these days because it's getting increasingly difficult to acquire new credit.We're also eating out less which, I can only assume, means we're cooking at home more. Could it be that this slowing economy might actually be good for families by bringing them back to the dinner table?There are a few economists who argue that a recession could make us healthier. When times are economically tough, they say, we take better care of ourselves, are more likely to look after others and, surprisingly, we become less anxious. Edward Glaeser, economics professor at Harvard, says that a recession becomes a time of possibility, despite the inevitable human suffering that accompanies it. I don't know all the ways the slumping housing market, high gas prices and soaring food prices are affecting you specifically. I do know this: in every difficult situation, there is always a bright spot, be it ever so tiny. If we look deeply enough, we will find something for which to give thanks. Even in a recession.
Other articles by Mary Hunt that you may find useful:
"How to Prepare for a Recession"
Copyright © 2008 Mary Hunt.
HA! People call YOU Pollyanna, too?
ReplyDeleteThat is so funny...and probably explains why you and I have been friends since we were five years old! (Maybe I caught my optimism from you in Mrs. Turner's Kindergarten class?!?)
My ex used to tease me about living in "Krissyland" where everyone is good and happy and every family is straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting and all people roaming the streets have nothing but pure intentions. Nothing mean or bad ever happens in Krissyland. Pets don't get sick or die, planes will always land on time, and there will always be enough money for everything we need...and some of what we want. Oh, and you will still be friends with your best friend from Kindergarten.
Life is good here in Krissyland.
Pretty much that is my world! :) I have been teased alot (all in fun & love) and I just tell them... it is ok, I like my world!
ReplyDeleteMy glasses have been shattered a bit over the last few years, but now I can laugh again and say I have rose colored 'stained glass' kalidescope glasses!! :)
Optimism is a wonderful gift... ANYONE can be a grump or a 'realist' as they say, but not everyone can go through life finding and enjoying the simple things!!
You go girl!! I like "Krissyland" it has been very, very good to me! LOL
Love you!
Great points - so true! And I have been known to say (many times!) ... "Well, at least this didn't happen" - looking at the bright side of a bad situation and pointing out that things could be worse.