
June 22, 2008

Remember The Days of Our Youth?

Remember back to the days of our youth.... the fun was really fun but the struggle into adulthood was real too!! Travis's friend Mike came home with him from camp for the weekend! Here they are ready to leave the church parking lot.... Here are a few cool shots of his car! Evidently, it is a cut down and remake of a Ford Escort wagon! It is fully registered, inspected and on the road.... WITH GREAT GAS MILEAGE!! :)

And, here they are leaving home for camp again...... the weekends are just tooo short for this mom! Yes, Mike let Travis drive!! Free, young and having hearts to serve the Lord!! Oh to be twenty again......... (NOT!)


  1. Wow! 2 questions:

    1. What did Mike name his car/truck/vehicle?

    2. What's the miles per gallon on that Green Goblin?

  2. I have no idea what he named it... Originally, it was a Ford Escort wagon I think... Now it is a two seater ??? vehicle! He has about enough trunk space to put a suitcase in back and a few SMALL items tucked in! The back is where the gas tank is. I'll ask him next time they are home!!

    As for gas mileage... it is really good, but I forgot how many mpg he gets!! I know I liked what I heard... much better then I get with my mini-van!

  3. wow... Someone please point that person towards

    I'm sure the ford escort loving crazies on that site would get a real kick out of that!

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    lolikneri havaqatsu
