
June 26, 2008

It's Wednesday But Friday is Coming!!

Audrey & I are excited for Friday!! After her job interview we are going to visit a nearby farm to check out a few litters of bunnies!! :) HOPEFULLY, we'll be able to pick out some to buy. We have been planning and preparing for this and we just can't wait!Here's Elvis.... we are pretty sure that he is a cross with lionhead bunny.... he has really cool long hair between his ears and around his cheeks! (Can you see B.Rabb peaking in from the left?)If you look behind Elvis... you'll see some of the rolls of wire we bought to build the cages with!

We drew up some hutch plans and Travis has built us 10 hutches..... check this out! It is sooo awesome to have talented & handy kids!! (I thank God & husband for that blessing!!) Here Travis is using the j-clips to put all of the sides together!! We "measured twice & cut once" as Pete says, all the panals needed (top, bottom, sides, ends and separators!) Travis diligently spent LOTS of time putting these together for us!! (What a guy!)

Below, is one complete row of hutches!! It is hard to see, but this is 4 side by side cages. We have another row just like it to fit underneath this one and then a set of two that are on the opposite wall for Elvis & B.Rabb. I'll take more pictures to show you after the bunnies come home!! (They will have trays to catch the droppings, not to worry!)Yes, the wall color is a weird mint green!! After we built the barn a few years ago (then it was a goat barn) we went to buy paint. We didn't really care what color the walls were going to be!! We found where Home Depot kept the "OOOPS" paint (paint that had been mixed wrong or the customer didn't want it after it was mixed up) and lucky for us, they had a 5 gallon bucket of WHITE paint! (How can white be an 'ooops'?? I have no idea!) Well.... we bought it for all of $5.00 and went along our merry way to finish the goat barn! We all had a good laugh when our 'good deal' was NOT white but mint green!! :) The goats didn't seem to mind..... neither did the chickens after that so we don't think the bunnies will mind either!

Have a blessed day!

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