
March 15, 2008

"I've Been Tagged... and Now YOU Have been Tagged Too!"

I read a post on another blog (Life With Boys) and at the end of the blog, was the statement if you read this, consider yourself tagged! It seemed like a fun tag, so here goes.....

The Rules:

~Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
~Open the book to p. 123 and find the 5th sentence.
~Post the next 4 sentences.
~ Tag 5 people

I randomly grabbed "Peace Child" by Don Richardson off the bookshelf.

Sentences 6-9 on p. 123 are:

"Quavering cries broke out all around me, swelling together in a uniformly high-pitched scream of sheer panic. Men and boys stampeded in waves toward the jungle. How glad I was that there were no women and children present to suffer this severe fright.
As the aircraft zoomed over on its first pass I waved my shirt and saw the wing of the plane dip in acknowledgement."

(I think I may need to re-read this book! It is one of my favorite true missionary stories!)

OK, now that you've read this, it is YOUR turn! :) Let's see what you come up with ..... leave a comment so I know you are accepting the tag challange and I'll come read yours!! :)

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