
April 5, 2007

This Is What We Woke Up To This Morning.....

I thought you'd all enjoy seeing what we saw looking out the door. It is pretty, BUT... We are READY for SPRING!! :) The ski resorts are happy, the plowmen that are paid by the hour are happy, the children who don't have to put sleds away and have the day off from school are are happy... good thing we don't rely on 'circumstances' for our joy!! (The van & jeep aren't laden with as much snow because we got home late in the storm after attending a going away party for one of the kid's friends. That was sketchy driving!!)Pete called me from the road this morning 'bout 6:15 saying "the roads aren't bad, but, BOY DID WE GET ALOT OF SNOW!!" He said there's a good 10-12 inches of it! I guess the sugaring season has a bit longer to go after all.


  1. Wow--it truly IS beautiful. Hang on, Baby, spring's coming!

  2. Melanie, you are NOT going to believe this, but our dad is up there trying to get out of Maine. (His sister's funeral was yesterday.)

    Y'all stay warm!

  3. Oh boy... I hope your dad stayed put till the storm ended!! :) The driving is fine and the sky is a beautiful bue today! I was so sorry to hear about his sister. What an awesome season to enter the Lord's presence, with RESURRECTION SUNDAY just around the corner!
