
January 15, 2007

FYI.... Just in case you are wondering....

Just in case you are wondering, my computer has been doing some whacky things!! For example, I am not too sure what color you are seeing on your screen when you look at my blog... but when I set it up, I THOUGHT I was choosing a shade between sage green and olive green, with cream & brown/sepia for the writing & borders! This morning one of my friends told me (MUCH TO MY DISMAY!) that on her computer it is/was a gray with purple & yellowish writing.... and honestly I forgot what other colors she said! LOL Needless to say, for those who know my tastes.... that wasn't me! LOL ... OH MY!! Since then, I have been tweaking the color scheme so please bear with me! My goal would be a muted blue or that lovely shade of sage/olive green that I THOUGHT I had already picked!! Hmmm... good thing we have a sense of humor! Like she said to me "I asked you what you were doing with your colors!" I responded rather strongly that I liked them! Neither one of knew that we weren't looking at the same thing!! THUS HER QUESTION (and decision NOT to go there) after and MY ANSWER! :) Hope you are all laughing too........


  1. Lynette read this to me and we had a great laugh my friend! Thanks for keeping my identity anonymous! Lynette sees the same colors as I do if that's of any help. *wink* When you have five minutes come tweak it on my computer!

    Love Ya,
    Me :)

  2. PS... Technical difficulties of many kinds! LOL... *wink*

  3. On my computer, your background appears a vibrant periwinkle and your blog and post titles appear mint green, the same color I see in Audrey's vest. A pretty combination, but not the colors you described as your favorites.

    This makes me wonder what my blog looks like on other folks' computers? Hmmmm....
