
December 8, 2006

Let it *snow* Let it *snow* Let it *snow*...

We've got snow!! It is only a couple of inches... but who's counting yet! Most winters we have had snow by mid-November and once in a while in late October. I won't complain as we've enjoyed the borrowed time from fall to finish up those procrastinated pre-winter chores!! IE: putting rakes back in the garage (DONE), picking up the yard & garden(MOSTLY DONE), making sure the animals are set with winter bedding (DONE), changing to studded tires & adding extra weight, shovels & blankets to all the vehicles (NOT YET!) Well, we are almost ready for cold & snowy weather....

1 comment:

  1. I just got home from the park where I walked/ran with the dogs...and took off my jacket after the first mile and a half. (Last weekend, I wore a t-shirt!)

    Snow tires? You're my hero!
