
April 22, 2012

The Adventures of Mushroom Farming Begins....

Here in three neat stacks are 213 logs
cut from hardwood last week.
Each log is 40 inches long.

This angle grinder has the bit attachment
needed to drill the holes on all the logs!

These are the inoculators!
(They will deliver the mushroom spawn
into the holes in all the logs....)
Here are the blocks of cheese wax.....
They are melted and used to seal the holes of spawn and
the ends of the logs!

Here is ONE of the bags of mushroom
spawn that were used!

All together used 4 bags of
spawn to fill all those logs!!
(That equals 22 pounds)

NOW the hard part...

I've shared this on Simple Lives Thursday!
Please go check out some
wonderful ideas shared by others!

Mushrooms... The Next Step

Pete is drilling the holes, approx 4-5 inches
apart all the way down the log.
Depending on the diameter of the log,
you can drill a few rows.

 Pete and Arnie are filling the drilled holes
with mushroom spawn.

Audrey & Steve are painting cheese wax over the
spawn and over the ends of the logs.

This helps keep the moisture in over the
next year until they start growing!

 As the day went on.... the 'party got bigger'
We have a whole assembly line of helpers now!

Pete built the cool table so that the logs
can just be rolled down the line from holes,
filling holes (with the bags of spawn in the
center area), to waxing them up on the end!

Abby, Austin and Audrey are working on
the waxing process here!

A bit out of order, but once Austin helped
get the waxing caught up, he and Steve started
drilling holes on another stack!

Pete & Donna are working the palm
inoculators as Rita is keeping the log steady!

Can you see the wax seals?

The end of the day....  all the logs
are inoculated heading down to a
shady place where they will be stacked
again and
rest until spring!

In the spring, these logs will be shocked by
putting them into a cold water bath for up to
24 hours and then within 10 days the fruit
of mushrooms should begin to grow!!

We have ONE log from last year when Pete & Steve
went to a training seminar that has been shocked.
We are awaiting the fruit!!
I'll keep you posted as it grows!

This was shared on Simple Lives Thursday!!
Go check out the other wonderful
ideas that folks have shared!

April 17, 2012

Mason Jars

My daughter says I am a 'jar hoarder'.
I say, "But there are LOTS of fun & practical
things you can do with jars. You can't
just get rid of them!!"

Check out this project!
 I bought the lids a few years
ago when we were in an Amish
community hardware store. My
original plan for the lids never happened,
so when I saw this idea, I KNEW I had all
the parts needed to make it!

Another GREAT reason to keep
mason jars!!

(and parts of the unfinished projects)



It may sound odd, but it
was an exciting weekend around here!

The washing machine came out and
I can do laundry at home once again!

For those of you who have the conventional
washer/dryer set up in your home, you
may not appreciate this.

BUT, if you've
had to depend on the laundry mat and know
about putting the endless stacks of quarters
 into the machines....
you will certainly understand the excitement
of warm enough weather to

There's nothing like the 'April fresh smell'
of clothes hung out on the line in APRIL!