
October 23, 2008

We Were Blessed With Another Gary Day!!

We've been missing our buddy Gary. Audrey asked his mom if he could come over for the day! She went to get him this morning and did a couple of errands and then brought him back to our home!! He enjoyed 'his' toybox for a while and then he and Audrey took a little walk outside. Gary went out to help feed and water the bunnies....... (Sookie is checking him out too!)
and then he helped to collect the eggs! (Yes, he did carry two eggs inside!) Audrey asked him what happens if you drop an egg. At first he said "pick it up" and then he laughed and said "splat". He had fun listening to the rooster! (Cock-a-dooodle-do)

We can't help but smile and laugh with him! He is such a happy guy! He blesses our day when he says "Do you know you're an angel?" or "You're lovely." What an awesome young man... I wish everyone could have a special friend like we do! :)

We are already making plans for his next visit!!

October 19, 2008


Count your many blessings, count them one by one.... I'm remembering this old song from way back. It is more then a song, it should be a way of life for all of us!! It is always easier to look at what we don't have or what we want to have, but it is much more important for us to take an inventory of how much God has blessed us..... I challenge you to start writing them all down and then keep adding to your list as time goes on!! It is wonderful to be able to look at the list especially when we are down or feeling overlooked and lost!
Blessings.... (here's a 'middle of the book' start of listing over 40 years of blessings)

I am thankful first of all for my salvation and for that of my family.
I thank God for my health and my kids' & husband's good health!
I'm thankful that we live in a free nation..... so often taken for granted.
I'm thankful that we are able to provide daily food for our family, and that we can raise & grow so much of our food.
I'm thankful for our beautiful surroundings... the colors have been magnificent!
I'm thankful that we are in good relationships with our parents!
I'm thankful for an AWESOME church family (both those we worship with on Sunday mornings and those who attend elsewhere!)
I'm thankful for our friends..... a strong support system of love!
I'm thankful for music... it has touched our family from the very beginning and is a source of joy.
I'm thankful that our kids own their faith-walk and are walking in the way of the Lord.
And yes, I'm thankful for our faithful dog, Toby!Start your list..... it is amazing!! Here's an idea; make a thank you notebook!! List each month and then either look backwards January through now .... or start now and go forwards!! :) THEN make it a part of your personal thanksgiving day devotional to thank God for the year of blessings! Keep your list growing.... recognize every gift is from God..... small or large. (Read James 1:17) EVERY good & perfect gift is from above!! :)

October 9, 2008


This might be silly, but as I opened a can of frozen orange juice and removed the lid tonight, I had flashbacks! You may ask, 'what in the world is there to flashback about frozen juice lids???' Well, let me tell you ... there are LOTS of uses for juice lids!! My kids were raised using juice lids! :)
All of a sudden I was transported back in time to when the kids were making lots of ooey-gluey projects! Juice lids are PERFECT because they have lips on them... I'd squirt a puddle of glue on each lid and give each child a popsicle stick to use as a glue stick (fingers work too)! We made lots of Christmas tree decorations using old cards, felt & glitter! One year I used pictures of the kids and made decorations with them! They made great magnets for gifts with pictures or other art work! The kids made them into snowmen face & flower magnets etc. LOTS OF FUN!
Another way to use juice lids was to glue construction paper on one side and then put one chore on each lid. THEN, put them all in a paper bag and let the kids draw out which chore would be their responsibility!

Here's one more idea: take individual pictures of everyone in your Bible study group, then trace the lid on the picture and cut out each person and glue it onto the lid and glue a magnet on the back! NOW for the fun part.... put all the picture magnets in a paper bag or basket and have everyone draw one out!! This is the person they will be praying for! They can post the magnet reminder on their refrigerators at home as a reminder to pray for them!! :)

SEE WHAT I MEAN?... THE IDEAS ARE ENDLESS! THERE'S SOOO much fun to be had with 'juice lids' ... a common throw away item! I would keep a gallon sized Zip-Lock bag filled with them waiting for our next inspiration! AHHHH, what a fun flashback!
PS.... The picture is because that was about the age all the fun using juice lids & glue began! I know I have some pictures of them actually crafting SOMEWHERE!

Is it TOOOO Soon to Mention.... ?

Don't shoot the messenger, but do you realize that Christmas is only 2 1/2 months away?! That doesn't set too well with me.... Let's try 77 days??? Nope, That definately didn't help! Last try... 11 weeks... well, that sounds a little bit better. But any way you choose to count it, it is still coming right around the corner. I was counting as I was typing, so my reality check happened right along with yours!

My goal this Holy-day season is "REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON"! I am vowing to keep costs DOWN and SPIRITS HIGH! I'm starting my search for a Christmas devotional to help me keep perspective. Let's keep our eyes fixed on WHO came for us that first Christmas morning, why He came and what we can do for others!
Have you read Jotham's Journey?? This is our family FAVORITE advent devotional!! There is something for everyone of every age in this book! The author keeps you on the edge of your seat chapter after chapter! I can't recommend this book HIGHLY enough!! It isn't too early to start planning! AND... no, I don't mean making your lists and checking them twice, UNLESS that list is one of good cheer and encouraging tidings for others! Make sure to add an advent devotional to the top of your to-do list!! The first day of Advent this year is November 30th! :)